




肛门体检的大夫在我穿衣服的时候,自叹到自己在体检行业做着这个项目的不容易,我其实想说,被体检者也很不容易 -_-。当事双方均怀着复杂的情感,悲喜交加的情绪去面对这个行为。唉。。。(除了叹息,我也不知道该说什么好了)





今天回家还得二次吃春卷 -_- 起因见下:




















最后隆重出场的是:阿猪。裸体NO FACE阿猪!小细胳膊小细腿,挺着一个大肚子,美颠儿美颠儿的小怂样~我让你气我?!我让你气我?!我掐你的嘴~哈哈~


150部经典电影 你看过哪些?

1. 三色:蓝白红 ( Three Colours: Blue | Kieslowski, Krszystof | 1993 )
2. 低俗小说 ( Pulp Fiction | Tarantino, Quentin | 1994 )
3. 穆赫兰道 ( Mulholland Dr. | Lynch, David | 2001 )
4. 辛德勒名单 ( Schindler’s List | Spielberg, Steven | 1993 )
5. 一一 ( Yi yi | 杨德昌 Yang, Edward | 2000 )
6. 破浪 ( Breaking the Waves | von Trier, Lars | 1996 )
7. 樱桃的滋味 ( Taste of Cherry, A | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1997 )
8. 永恒与一天 ( Eternity and a Day | Angelopoulos, Theo | 1998 )
9. 罗塞塔 ( Rosetta | Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne | 1999 )
10. 魔戒 ( The Lord of the Rings | Jackson, Peter | 2001 )

11. 禁闭双眼 ( Eyes Wide Shut | Kubrick, Stanley | 1999 )
12. 海上花 (The Flowers of Shanghai | 侯孝贤 | 1998 )
13. 大象 ( Elephant | Gus Vant Sant | 2003 )
14. 纯真年代 ( Age of Innocence, The | Scorsese, Martin | 1993 )
15. 撒旦探戈 ( Sátántangó | Tarr, Béla | 1994 )
16. 冰血暴 ( Fargo | Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen | 1995 )
17. 撞车 ( Crash | Cronenberg, David | 1996 )
18. 鳗鱼 ( The Eel | 今村昌平 | 1997 )
19. 风儿带着我们飘 ( Wind Will Carry Us, The | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1999 )
20. 阿甘正传 ( Forrest Gump | Zemeckis, Robert | 1994 )

21. 肖申克的救赎( Shawshank Redemption, The | Darabont, Frank| 1994 )
22. 暴雨将至 ( Before the Rain | Milcho Manchevski | 1994 )
23. 钢琴课 ( Piano, The | Campion, Jane | 1993 )
24. 短片集 ( Short Cuts | Altman, Robert | 1993 )
25. 亲爱的日记 ( Caro diario | Moretti, Nanni | 1994 )
26. 地下 ( Underground | Kusturica, Emir | 1995 )
27. 千与千寻 ( Spirited Away | 宫崎骏 | 2001 )
28. 神秘之河 ( Mystic River | Clint Eastwood | 2003 )
29. 风吹麦浪 ( The Wind That Shakes The Barley | Ken Loach | 2006 )
30. 这个杀手不太冷 ( Léon | Luc Besson | 1994 )

31. 离魂异客 ( Dead Man | Jarmusch, Jim | 1995 )
32. 云上的日子 ( Beyond the Clouds | Michelangelo Antonioni | 1995 )
33. 橄榄树下 ( Through the Olive Trees | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1994 )
34. 戏梦人生 ( Puppetmaster, The | 侯孝贤 Hou Hsiao-Hsien | 1993 )
35. 红色警戒 ( Thin Red Line, The | Malick, Terrence | 1998 )
36. 花火 ( Hana-Bi | 北野武 | 1997 )
37. 重庆森林 ( Chungking Express | 王家卫 Wong Kar-Wai | 1994 )
38. 花样年华 ( In the Mood for Love | 王家卫 Wong Kar-Wai | 2000 )
39. 关于我的母亲 ( All About My Mother | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1999 )
40. 瓦力 ( WALL-E | Andrew Stanton | 2008 )

41. 英国病人 ( The English Patient | Anthony Minghella | 1996 )
42. 洛城机密 ( L.A. Confidential | Hanson, Curtis | 1997 )
43. 中央车站 ( Central Station | Salles, Walter | 1998 )
44. 黑暗中的舞者 ( Dancer in the Dark | Lars von Trier | 2000 )
45. 卧虎藏龙 ( Wo hu cang long | 李安 | 2000 )
46. 断背山 ( Brokeback Mountain | Ang Lee | 2005 )
47. 鬼吸血 ( Irma Vep | Assayas, Olivier | 1996 )
48. 霸王别姬 ( Farewell, My Concubine | 陈凯歌 Chen Kaige | 1993 )
49. 赌场 ( Casino | Scorsese, Martin | 1995 )
50. 泰坦尼克号 ( Titanic | James Cameron | 1997 )


•赤裸 ( Naked | Leigh, Mike | 1993 )
•爱情万岁 ( Vive L’Amour | 蔡明亮 | 1994 )
•活着 ( To Live | 张艺谋 Zhang Yimou | 1994 )
•烈日灼人 ( Burnt by the Sun | Mikhalkov, Nikita | 1994 )
•理智与情感 ( Sense and Sensibility | Ang Lee | 1995 )
•仇恨( Haine, La | Mathieu Kassovitz | 1995 )
•三轮车夫 ( Cyclo | 陈英雄 | 1995 )
•勇敢的心 ( Braveheart | Mel Gibson | 1995 )
•盗火线 ( Heat | Mann, Michael | 1995 )
•玩具总动员 ( Toy Story | John Lasseter | 1995 )
•尤利西斯的凝视 ( Ulysses’ Gaze | Theo Angelopoulos | 1995 )
•远离赌城 (Leaving Las Vegas | Mike Figgis | 1995)
•猜火车 ( Trainspotting | Danny Boyle | 1996 )
•秘密与谎言 ( Secrets & Lies | mike leigh | 1996 )
•妖夜荒踪 ( Lost Highway | Lynch, David | 1996 )
•幽灵公主 ( Mononoke-hime | 宫崎骏 | 1997 )
•美丽人生 ( Vita è bella, La | Roberto Benigni | 1997 )
•意外的春天 ( Sweet Hereafter, The | Egoyan, Atom | 1997 )
•不羁夜 ( Boogie Nights | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 1997 )
•罗拉快跑 ( Run Lola Run | Tom Tykwer | 1998 )
•拯救大兵瑞恩 ( Saving Private Ryan | Steven Spielberg | 1998 )
•楚门的世界 ( The Truman Show | Peter Weir | 1998 )
•军中禁恋 ( Beau travail | Denis, Claire | 1998 )
•搏击俱乐部 ( Fight Club | Fincher, David | 1999 )
•酣歌畅戏 ( Topsy-Turvy | Mike Leigh | 1999 )
•黑客帝国 ( The Matrix | Andy & Larry Wachowski | 1999 )
•美国美人 ( American Beauty | Sam Mendes | 1999 )
•木兰花 ( Magnolia | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 1999 )
•站台 ( Platform | 贾樟柯 | 2000 )
•梦之安魂曲 ( Requiem for a Dream | Darren Aronofsky | 2000 )
•记忆碎片 ( Memento | Christopher Nolan | 2000 )
•天使艾米莉 ( Fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain, Le | Jean-Pierre Jeunet | 2001 )
•儿子的房间 ( The Son’s Room | Nanni Moretti | 2001 )
•绿洲 ( Oasis | 李沧东 | 2002 )
•对她说 ( Talk to Her | Almodóvar, Pedro | 2002 )
•上帝之城 ( Cidade de Deus | Fernando Meirelles | 2002 )
•俄罗斯方舟 ( Russian Ark | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 2002 )
•钢琴师 ( The Pianist | Roman Polanski | 2002 )
•杀人的回忆 ( Memories of Murder | 奉俊昊 | 2003 )
•迷失东京 ( Lost in Translation | Sofia Coppols | 2003 )
•老男孩 ( Oldboy | 朴赞郁 | 2003 )
•杀死比尔 ( Kill Bill | Quentin Tarantino | 2004 )
•百万美元宝贝 ( Million Dollar Baby | Clint Eastwood | 2004 )
•隐藏 ( Caché | Michael Haneke | 2005 )
•孩子 ( L’Enfant | Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne | 2005 )
•巴别塔 ( Babel | Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu | 2006 )
•窃听风暴 ( Das Leben der Anderen | Florian Henckel-Donnersmarck | 2006 )
•四月三周两天 ( 4 luni, 3 saptamini si 2 zile | Cristian Mungiu | 2007 )
•老无所依 ( No Country for Old Men | Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen | 2007 )
•格莫拉 ( Gomorra | Matteo Garrone | 2008 )

•红松鼠杀人事件 ( Ardilla roja, La | Julio Medem | 1993 )
•吸烟/不吸烟 ( Smoking/No Smoking | Alain Resnais | 1993 )
•咫尺天涯 ( Faraway, So Close! | Wim Wenders | 1993 )
•偷天情缘 ( Groundhog Day | Ramis, Harold | 1993 )
•四个婚礼和一个葬礼 ( Four Weddings and a Funeral | Mike Newell | 1994 )
•以父之名 ( In the Name of the Father | Jim Sheridan | 1994 )
•爱德·伍德 ( Ed Wood | Tim Burton | 1994 )
•普通嫌疑犯 ( The Usual Suspects | Bryan Singer | 1994 )
•情书 ( Love Letter | 岩井俊二 | 1995 )
•冷酷祭典 ( La Ceremonie | Claude Chabrol | 1995 )
•十二只猴子 ( Twelve Monkeys | Terry Gilliam | 1995 )
•无知时刻 ( Moment of Innocence, A | Makhmalbaf, Mohsen | 1995 )
•七宗罪 ( Se7en | David Fincher | 1995 )
•夜夜夜贼 ( Voleurs, Les | Andre Techine | 1996 )
•勇闯夺命岛 ( The Rock | Michael Bay | 1996 )
•职业特工队 ( Mission: Impossible | Brian DePalma | 1996 )
•迈克尔·柯林斯 ( Michael Collins | Neil Jordan | 1996 )
•一脱到底 ( The Full Monty | Peter Cattaneo | 1997 )
•海上钢琴师 ( The Legend of 1900 | Giuseppe Tornatore | 1998 )
•秋天的故事 ( Conte d’automne | Eric Rohmer | 1998 )
•紫醉金迷 ( Velvet Goldmine | Todd Haynes | 1998 )
•西伯利亚理发师 ( The Barber Of Siberia | Nikita Mikhalkov | 1998 )
•两只大烟枪 ( Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels | Guy Ritchie | 1998 )
•那一个晚上 ( Festen | Vinterberg, Thomas | 1998 )
•天使热爱的生活 ( Vie rêvée des anges, La | Erick Zonca | 1998 )
•第六感 ( The Sixth Sense | M. Night Shyamalan | 1999 )
•人性 ( L’Humanité | Bruno Dumont | 1999 )
•爱情是狗娘 ( Amores perros | Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu | 2000 )
•鬼子来了 ( Devils on the Doorstep | 姜文 | 2000 )
•几近成名 ( Almost Famous | Cameron Crowe | 2000 )
•角斗士 ( Gladiator | Ridley Scott | 2000 )
•怪物史莱克 ( Shrek | Andrew Adamson | 2001 )
•天才一族 ( The Royal Tenenbaums | Wes Anderson | 2001 )
•钢琴教师 ( Piano Teacher | Michael Haneke | 2001 )
•红磨坊 ( Moulin Rouge! | Luhrmann, Baz | 2001 )
•缺席的人 ( The Man Who Wasn’t There | Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen | 2001 )
•没有过去的男人 ( The Man Without A Past | Aki Kaurism?ki | 2002 )
•血腥星期天 ( Bloody Sunday | Paul Greengrass | 2002 )
•乌扎克 ( Uzak | Nuri Bilge Ceylan | 2002 )
•疯狂约会美丽都 ( Triplettes de Belleville, Les | Sylvain Chomet | 2003 )
•再见列宁 ( Good bye, Lenin! | Wolfgang Becker | 2003 )
•勇往直前 ( Gegen die Wand | Fatih Akin | 2004 )
•撞车 ( Crash | Paul Haggis | 2004 )
•赛末点 ( Match Point | Woody Allen | 2005 )
•关塔那摩之路( The Road to Guantánamo | Michael Winterbottom | 2006 )
•回归 ( Volver | Pedro Almodóvar | 2006 )
•三峽好人 ( Still Life | 贾樟柯 | 2006 )
•无间行者 ( The Departed | Scorsese, Martin | 2006 )
•摔跤王 ( The Wrestler | Darren Aronofsky | 2008 )
•墙壁之间 ( Entre les murs | Laurent Cantet | 2008 )






10 years ago and later...


  • 10 years ago, we were children of our parents;
  • 10 years later, we become parents of our children.
  • 10 years ago, I had a home full of joys and affection ;
  • 10 years later, I feel warmth of family then and not till then.
  • 10 years ago, I yearned for leaving far away from home,
  • 10 years later, I am longing to return my drifting heart home.
  • 10 years ago, I shouted and thunder at my parents;
  • 10 years later, I wish my parents scold me again even in my dream.


  • 10 years ago, you were my desk mate,
  • 10 years later, you become the wife of the other guy.
  • 10 years ago, I sang My Desk mate for you,
  • 10 years later, I am thinking of you my dear desk mate.
  • 10 years ago, the only problem we faced was exam,
  • 10 years later, we have to face all except for exam.
  • 10 years ago, I remembered your sweet smile at me at your downstairs;
  • 10 years later, I unwittingly saw you nagging at your child with a stony face at your downstairs.
  • 10 years ago, I yearned for marriage at every moment;
  • 10 years later, I am longing to fall in love one more time.
  • 10 years ago, we felt shy when talking about love;
  • 10 years later, awkward only can be seen on our face when talking about love.
  • 10 years ago, I yearned for love but didn’t know what true love was;
  • 10 years later, I have know what love is but can never own love.
  • 10 years ago, I like girls with nice appearances;
  • 10 years later, I have an ugly wife at home.
  • 10 years ago, I fell in love first time;
  • 10 years later, I am divorced for the first time.


  • 10 years ago, I looked about public telephone just for a call;
  • 10 years later, I have mobile phone but still rushing all around.
  • 10 years ago, I aimed to earn 1000 yuan a month;
  • 10 years later, I earn 6000 yuan a month but still unhappy.
  • 10 years ago. I was mostly scared of criticism;
  • 10 years later, it’s hard to win criticism.
  • 10 years ago, 200 yuan was enough for me to live a month;
  • 10 years later, it costs me 2000 yuan for one meal.
  • 10 years ago, we were in school uniforms, brilliant sunshine naturally overflowing from austerity;
  • 10 years later, we are in name brand clothes, a touch of somber mood arising from this kind of illusive luxury.
  • 10 years ago, we went to class unkemptly with sweat stains on face;
  • 10 years later, we must dress in neat and with smile for work.
  • 10 years ago, I rabidly abominated corruption;
  • 10 years later, I belong to the ranks of corruption;


  • 10 years ago, I thought that I were a sky-reaching tree;
  • 10 years later, I realize that I am nothing more than a tiny grass.
  • 10 years ago, time was the only thing I can waste;
  • 10 years later, I can waste anything except for time.
  • 10 years ago, youth was unrepentant to us;
  • 10 years later, youth is far away from us.
  • 10 years ago, we felt proud that we can play with life;
  • 10 years later, we are trapped in the game of life.


  • 10 years ago, I rode to home whistling brightly;
  • 10 years later, I drive on road bounding for social intercourse answering phones in succession.
  • 10 years ago, I dreamed of staying in a five star hotel;
  • 10 years later, I am longing to return home even if living in a five star hotel.
  • 10 years ago, I yearned for traveling by air once;
  • 10 years later, I am afraid of taking plane most.
  • 10 years ago, I hoped that I was the boy sitting opposite the girl when I passed by the window of coffee shop after playing football;
  • 10 years later, I hope I am that boy who passes by the window of the coffee shop just now after playing football.
  • 10 years ago, native dishes are tasteless to me;
  • 10 years later, I have no taste for all foods except for native dishes.
  • 10 years ago, I was the main force of volleyball team due to my healthy waist;
  • 10 years later, I am diagnosed as kidney basin protrusion
  • 10 years ago, I was forced to sit at the desk and attend a lecture care- fully by parents and teacher;
  • 10 years later, I want to attend a lecture again but can not find a desk.
  • 10 years ago, I despised of drunkard in front of restaurant gate and sworn not drinking alcoholic all my life;
  • 10 years later, I become that drunkard.
  • 10 years ago, I dreamed of driving my own car some day and no longer walking on foot;
  • 10 years later, I prefer walking on foot to driving self-owned car.
  • 10 years ago, I felt blushed when touching a girl;
  • 10 years later, I am accused of sexual harassment.
  • 10 years ago, I did not know what streetwalker means;
  • 10 years later, I can only unburden myself to a call girl.
  • 10 years ago, I hoped to grow up and be mature;
  • 10 years later, I go to beauty salon fancying for perennial youth.
  • 10 years ago, I craved for eating meat with every meal;
  • 10 years later, I crave for vegetables with every meal.











Once a circle missed a wedge. the circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. but because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly, it admired the flowers along the way. it chatted with worms. it enjoyed the sunshine. it found lots of different pieces, but none of them fit. so it left them all by the side of the road and kept on searching. then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly. it was so happy. now it could be whole, with nothing missing. it incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll. now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice the flowers of talking to the worms. when it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly, it stopped, left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.

The lesson of the story, i suggested, was that in some strange sense we are more whole when we are missing something. the man who has everything is in some ways a poor man. he will never know what if feels like to yearn, to hope, to nourish his soul with the dream of something better. he will never know the experience of having someone who loves him give him something he has always wanted or never had.

There is a wholeness about the person who has come to terms with his limitations, who has been brave enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams and not feel like a failure for doing so. there is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive, she can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.

Life is not a trap set for us by god so that he can condemn us for failing. life is not a spelling bee, where no matter how many words you’ve gotten right, you’re disqualified if you make one mistake. life is more like a baseball season, where even the best team loses one-third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance. our goal is to win more games than we lose.

When we accept that imperfection is part of being human, and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to. that, i believe, is what god asks of us---not “be perfect”, not “don’t even make a mistake”, but “be whole.”

If we are brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, generous enough to rejoice in another ‘s happiness, and wise enough to know there is enough love to go around for us all, then we can achieve a fulfillment that no other living creature will ever know.












昨天梦到自己不知道在某时某地doing着什么,总之感觉嘴里有根头发,然后就试图把头发从嘴里择出来,可是越择越多,越择越长,一根变成了一小撮,怎么拽也拽不完。然后我不知道从哪搞到一把剪刀,幸事旦旦的喀嚓一剪子,就把那撮巨长无比的头发剪断了。头发根部还零星的剪下了嗓子眼里的一些皮肉。给我恶心的,一下子就醒了。恢复知觉之后,立刻感到嗓子眼疼。昨晚不会是真的傻乐吧唧的拿剪刀剪嗓子眼玩来的吧?赶快下床,直奔饮水机... ...